Ford XY Wedding Day

Ford XY Wedding Day, An Australian classic muscle car is getting ready for a wedding

An Australian classic muscle car is getting ready for a wedding but it was looking a bit dull.

We were asked to give it the once over with NDG’s Champion, Hyperseal.

After looking at the car and doing a few tests it was decided not to Compound polish the paintwork as the car had been resprayed and not done that well. Plus, the pin-stripes had just been installed so the risk of damaging the paintwork and stripes was too high to do a full compound polish so we decided to DA polished the safe areas with NDG Genesis Compound and clay-bar’d the rest of the bodywork using NDG Mega Gloss Wash as the lubricant.

Even with these challenges we achieved the desired results.

The weather had been great so far,  but, had been forecast to turn cold and rainy  during the day. Just as we were about to Hyperseal the car the weather turned cold and rainy.

It was a good demonstration to show that Hyperseal is not affected by cold or inclement weather so we just carried on applying the coating.

On finishing the car the owner got the classic car owner fever with wanting to do more to the car as it was looking great.  The rear spoiler needed some TLC so it was removed for restoration  which gave us the opportunity to do some more work on the trunk lid.

We had a ball working on this iconic piece of Aussie motoring and, we loved the way the car came out with it’s rich burgundy colour shinning and contrasting against the big Australian sky.

Yes the wedding went ahead without a hitch.

NDG Hyperseal is a great  Champion all-rounder Specialty surface coating for cars with superior UV resistance and 1 to 3 years service.

NDG Hyperseal is available here

Ford XY Wedding Day, An Australian classic muscle car is getting ready for a wedding Ford XY Wedding Day, An Australian classic muscle car is getting ready for a wedding Ford XY Wedding Day, An Australian classic muscle car is getting ready for a wedding Ford XY Wedding Day, An Australian classic muscle car is getting ready for a wedding Ford XY Wedding Day, An Australian classic muscle car is getting ready for a wedding

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