Tutankhamun’s Chopper resurrection

Tutankhamun's Chopper resurrection

Tutankhamun would not be rolling in his tomb after we finished this bike. We think he would have his servants hand him his matching gold helmet so he could cruise the Nile boulevard at sunset.

We came across this bike in Dubai where we were looking to do a demo on a custom bike. We were given this bike which was an early 90’s bike that had some oxidisation and just dulled off in every way.

The real gold paper motifs were certainly dull and the chrome didn’t have any shine at all.

We got to work and gave it the NDG restoration process which takes some time as bikes are a lot harder than cars with all the exposed areas and tight spots to access. Everything is viewable to the beholder.

Tutankhamun's Chopper resurrection

Three days later the bike is finished complete with NDG Self Healing coating on the painted surfaces and NDG Hyperseal on all the other surfaces for restoration and sealing in the goodness.

It kind of reminds us of the ancient embalming process where a lot of care and skill are used to restore and preserve for the future to come.

The results were beyond what anyone expected. 

Tutankhamun's Chopper resurrection

A true Showroom new look was achieved, once again.

The bike was taken to a auto show in Abu Dhabi and it won Custom bike of the show! This was against all new comers from all corners of the world.

Tutankhamun would be well pleased.

   Tutankhamun's Chopper resurrection Tutankhamun's Chopper resurrection

Tutankhamun's Chopper resurrection

Tutankhamun's Chopper resurrection

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