60,000km Test

60,000km Test

1 year and 60,000kms for our test car

We are always pushing our products to the limits just to see what they can and can’t do. 12 months ago this 2011 Ford Fairmont Ghia had just past the 110,000Km mark when it came to our attention on how many Km’s this car drives each week which at that point in time was about 1500kms per week, sometimes more.

12 months on the car has past the 170,000km mark and time for us to have a really good look at the condition of the Hyperseal coating we put on. We had seen the car on and off during that time but it was just for a moment and it was usually plastered with roadworks mud and spattered insects or it had just come out of a automatic car wash and was looking like it was freshly coated with Hyperseal.

So looking at the numbers.

  1. The Average car gets driven 20,000kms per year and that is the top end number for the motoring.
  2. This Ford has therefore driven 3 years of Km’s and out getting hammered on country and city roads all within 1 year and usually not on the same roads.
  3. It was thought to have had over 50 car washes with 100% of them using harsh automatic carwash chemicals.

 The inspection

The car is a state rep’s car for the farming and hardware company called Fjord . We arranged for a visit and a wash with NDG Mega Gloss wash and a look, touch and feel of the paintwork. We also took the car to one of the local detailers for their opinion (truely unbiased opinions come from him)

But first before we washed

The car had taken a lot of large stone impacts on the Bonnet/Hood and there was a lot of insect splattering on the Bonnet and wing mirrors.

  1. Tar and other grime on the side doors
  2. After washing with Mega Gloss wash

60,000km Test 60,000km Test

After Washing with Mega Gloss wash

  1. All the grime and most of the insects came off with the washing
  2. The Mega gloss and super light refraction that Hyperseal imparts was still just as good as the day it was applied (the owner says that it looks back to new each time it is washed)
  3. We used NDG Bio Crystal magic to remove the remainder of the insects that were harder to remove and found that they had not compromised the Hyperseal protection and had just been baked on with the summer heated hot air flowing over them.
  4. We did a quick claybar on the bonnet and wing mirrors to remove any acid rain and diesel particle adhesions and as we had hopped for the car felt as smooth as it was shinny. (One of the features of Hyperseal is you can do spot repairs without special equipment or special skills).
  5. Once the inspection was over it was time to go out for a sunset photoshoot. (pics below)

The next test phase.

Considering that this car maybe sold within the next 12 months, it’s job is complete. For the effort the owner made in doing this long term test we will coat the car with a new layer of Hyperseal and this time we will do the rims which we didn’t get time to do 12 months ago. We will then ask the owner to take more photos of places he and his car go.


We are always surprised at how strong NDG Hyperseal is and here is an indisputable test that we had no influence over and the results are spectacular. The local detailer concurred with our observations pretty much work for word. Excellent. We are very thankful to Garry for doing this long term test. 

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