Hands-on experiment DIY Style

Hands-on experiment DIY Style

During our product development process we use focus groups and live off the street people to test our processes so we grab a young couple who were in the street and in exchange for their services gave them a bag of NDG car care goodies.

We we wanted them to do was read some very basic instructions on applying Hyperseal to their car and then go for it with him working on one side and her on the other. Our objective was to backup our claim that NDG Hyperseal is truely a DIY (Do it yourself).

It was an interesting exercise as what we were looking for was can you get the same result using your own style?


Hands-on experiment DIY Style 

So how did they go?

Besides the very difference of opinion as to the right technique and the wrong it was all pretty straight forward.  We were asked to give an opinion as to who did the best work? It could have been a diplomatic answer but we hands down said that her work was the best.

Bottom line in this experiment was that it really doesn’t matter what technique you use you will still get a great result with our Hyperseal.


You can by Hyperseal here 

Hands-on experiment DIY Style
A bit of territory encroachment
Hands-on experiment DIY Style
Who did this side we wonder, SPOT ON
Hands-on experiment DIY Style

Hands-on experiment DIY Style Hands-on experiment DIY Style


NDG Hyperseal 


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