SummerNats 2018 & 2019

Summernats is an Australian must do if you are interested in over powered cars that can win an event by being the most entertaining and fastest to shred tyres down to the rims (an beyond in some cases). Mullet hair styles are your ticket into the cultural inner circle in Canbra (Nats abbreviation for Canberra).

A number of cars were already NDG Automotive product users so we had the opportunity to see these cars in their natural environment of the Summernats in Canberra (or Canbro as the local vernacular calls it).

The smell of burning rubber and over fuelled engines and screams of Supercharged V8’s added to the whiffs of red bull drinks combine to being  unique sensations. Almost worth bottling it as a motorhead fragrance.

More on the Summernats can be found here 

News of the day is that NDG Products will be Sponsoring the Event for 2019 and exhibiting our NDG products with live demonstrations over the Summernats week with great prizes and challenges for competitors and travelling visitors in true NDG testing program style. More on that and other programs later in the year.

Summernat classics

SummerNats Street cruise
SummerNats pony on Parade


Copyright ©2018 Nano DG Singapore Pte. Ltd. All Rights Reserved


Hard working Polaris quad extreme makeover

It is hard to believe these pictures are of the same bike, but they are.  Our camera operator on the day was not the best camera operator but got enough to tell the story.

Our mission was the get this hard life beaten Polaris quad bike, which had been on the used market for some months, back to as close as showroom condition as possible.

We picked up the machine from the Dealer on a cold winters afternoon along with a brand new Polaris quad which we were to coat with NDG Hyperseal to see how the product holds up against the UV effects of the sun on plastic.

We took the units our workshop and got to work.

The Red unit was a high hour and hard life trade-in with reasonable fading on the red plastic and high fading and oxidation on the black plastic and crystallisation of the plastic on the from tool box.

The black painted sections were also faded to oxidation stages and the aluminium was dulled and badly mud stained.

The End results were beyond what we had expected. When we took the quad back to the dealer.

The following afternoon we went back to have a look at the treatment condition on the tool box plastic as it was highly absorbent and we wanted to see if the Hyperseal had soaked in and what effect that would have on the plastic, if at all, to find that the quad was sold and delivered the same day and we were told that the plastic looked new so no problems to report.

12 months later

We asked the dealer to follow-up on the quad with the owner who said that the bike looks just as it did when they bought it and that they were very happy with the way it looks.

What we did:

  1. We pressure cleaned the unit with NDG Bio Crystal Magic which did a great job of removing the mud stains on all the metals.
  2. We then applied Hyperseal to every part of the unit we could reach. In all we spent 2 hours getting the Unit back to an excellent condition.

Hard working Polaris quad extreme makeover

Toolbox was heavily crystallised, now looks new

Hard working Polaris quad extreme makeover


Hard working Polaris quad extreme makeover
Such a great result!

Copyright ©2016 Nano DG Singapore Pte. Ltd. All Rights Reserved

RC Trophy Truck cuts loose

RC Trophy Truck cuts loose

Cutting loose is is a verbatim comment from the owner of this RC model of an electric powered Trophy Truck.

A kid in the neighbourhood came to us today and said he wanted to Nano his RC car to make it “Cut Loose” as he had heard that it makes old look new. Wow, this is a big statement from an under 10 year old boy. We certainly said yes you have come to the right place.

We did a photo shoot with the before both static and in action. Then we go to work on getting the job done.

Body removed and mega gloss wash, then a coat of Hyperseal. Simple but effective process.

We did notice that the gearbox sounded like it was dry running so we took a look and re-greased the gears and bushes and lubricated the drive shaft sliders.

Back together we did an after photo shoot and then hit the jumps and dirt for some action shots.

RC Trophy Truck cuts loose

Mission successful and another happy customer. We wonder how quickly this will get around this kids network and more requests come pouring in.

RC Trophy Truck cuts loose
Standing Proud with NDG

You can order NDG products here:


Mega Gloss wash

RC Trophy Truck cuts loose

RC Trophy Truck cuts loose
Before work Action


Copyright ©2018 Nano DG Singapore Pte. Ltd. All Rights Reserved

NDG’s Hyperseal takes to the cycle track

NDG's Hyperseal takes to the cycle track

NDG's Hyperseal takes to the cycle track
At top speed any advantage is noticed

NDG’s Hyperseal takes to the cycle track

Track cyclists look for any advantage they can find as they are at the very pointy end of their game. We had been demoing NDG Hyperseal for some months with a few different riders and with 100% positive response back with some expected and unexpected comments.


  • Bike feels better at high speed
  • Less drag with coming out of a slipstream to kick (power past the rider in front)
  • Bike looks and feels better generally
  • Easier to keep clean and doesn’t seem to get as dirty
  • More scratch resistant
  • A must have accessory on the bike
  • Junior riders just like the way it makes their bikes look

Shop for Hyperseal here

NDG's Hyperseal takes to the cycle track
The sun shines on Hyperseal’d wheels

Copyright ©2018 Nano DG Singapore Pte. Ltd. All Rights Reserved

Long term bike testing

Long term bike testing

With all our products we like to work out how they work, how to apply them and where the limits of their performance lie.

We have been testing our Bicycle Anti-Chip since mid 2014 in various parts of the world. All different terrains and all the bikes are of different ages which we felt would represent a good cross section of riders from semi-pro to weekend warrior. Our objective was to learn from what we heard from the types of bike owners we would commonly sell our products to. To date we are very happy with the results that we have received and as a result have concluded the individual owners testing phase and move into the corporate distributor comfort test phase where we will be covering in future blogs.

For this blog we we carried out testing of our Bicycle Anti-chip Specialty surface coating (EXHS) on 7 seperate Mountain bikes in different locations.

The bikes tested

Singapore x Specialized Camber 2015

Arizona x 2  Bike 1 a 2014 Specialized, Bike 2 a 2013 freshly painted Trek

Florida x Walmart 29er

Australia  x  2 Bike 1 a 1997 Cannondale V500 ( nice big downtube to test with) Bike 2 a 2016 16″ Trek kids bike

Dubai UAE x Scott Addict SL road bike. (we don’t have pictures of this bike in test)

Bicycle frame Anti-Chip is available here on our ecommerce website.

Bicycle Anti-Chip 


Long term bike testing

Visions of riding in an ultra clean urban jungle doesn’t conjure up visions of high speed riding with rocks and dirt impacting the frame and bike but we found that Singapore has joined all their parks with Park connector pathways so you can effectively ride around the entire island state riding in one continuous loop with some of these parks dedicated mountain bike trails.

Our Test Bike a 2015 Specialized  Camber 29er  came out of service in Australia. It was the last of our test bikes and it didn’t have any impact Chips but had some marks on the leading edges of the frame.

We applied EXHS to the leading edges and components and Hyperseal to the remaining parts of the frame and sent it out to play.

12 months on the bike is like new even after being ridden everyday on any one of the 60+ National Parks scattered around Singapore including Coney Island and Pulau Ubin Island that has a black diamond Mountain Bike park.

The owner Graham says “no chipping has occurred and when he washes the bike it looks new with no pitting or damage to the paintwork”.

Pics @ 12mths into test.

Long term bike testing Long term bike testing Long term bike testing


Arizona is a harsh place for mountain bikes.

Between high speed sandy trails to rock crawling to super rough mountain decents and all with needle sharp cactus on every turn it was a natural environment to test out our Bicycle Anti-Chip coating.

Long term bike testing

Bike 1 a 2014 Specialized.

This bike was a hire bike that only got ridden on the trails of Sedona AZ. Super harsh, steep gnarly terrain. We didn’t get many images sent to us of the bike but we do know that this bike survived longer than they expected and was the bike of first choice when it was parked out the front of the store each day for hire.

We coated the entire frame, pedals and components including brake and gear leavers.

According to the Store owners: “NDG EXHS is a must for all bike owners as any hire equipment is not subject to tender loving care ownership but rather hard labor days so after 12 months the bike was sold off as a matter of lease terms” but the store owner said “it looked good as new where the other bikes were tired and ready to be retired”.

They gave it a double thumbs up

Bicycle Anti-Chip 

Pics of Bike 1 over the 12 months.

Long term bike testing Long term bike testing Long term bike testing Long term bike testing


Bike 2  2013 Trek Anthem.

Long term bike testing


According to the owner Mr. Ride Handsome he rates that coating and he would recommend it for any bike owner as “you can’t see it on the bike but you sure know it is there”. The bike was replaced in May 2017 but up until that point the frame and components were in perfect visual condition even after being ridden on all types of Arizona trails for 3 solid years. He has given the coating a Double thumbs up

Bicycle Anti-Chip 

Pics of bike 2 @ 3 years into testing.

Bicycle Anti-Chip  Bicycle Anti-chip Long term bike testing Long term bike testing


Florida was probably the least abrasive of all the terrains we tested on so we did something a little bit different, we bought a Walmart 29er and rode it until it fell apart. That took about 12 months, but in that time the bike was ridden on all south Florida trails most week days and every weekend without fail.

We also experimented with the application process with this bike. Not only did we coat the frame we also coated the chain, gears and components as well as the rear brake cable and the rear derallier entirely.

At the end of 12 months the bike had seen the end of it’s service life but what was observed was that the derallier was still looking like new where a second bike that was ridden half as much in the same time period was showing advanced signs of corrosion and scratching.

The front brake cable was corroded where the treated back cable was still looking like new and had not had any lubrication in the 12 months.

The frame was not damaged in any way chipping wise and still retained it’s like new gloss.

Bicycle Anti-Chip 

Pics of the Walmart 29er

Long term bike testing Long term bike test


Long term bike testing

Bike 1 a 1997 Cannondale V500

Our 97 Cannondale V500 was a ground breaking model in it’s day. This test bike has lasted the years by being in storage for some years and along the way had massive disc brakes fitted to it.  The bike was in surprisingly great condition and we knew it was a regularly ridden bike so we added it to the test program in 2015

Over the 2 years the bike has sat in the summer sun and winter rain along with hitting the trails which in Australia is prone’d to flying stones and rocks.

According to the owner the bike took a real hammering when on the trails and expected the paint to be chipped in many places when in fact there were no signs of any impacts on the frame.

The chain was also treated as a result of the Florida testing and todate the chain has not been lubricated.

The biggest standout according to the owner was that “when chaining the bike to a pole it doesn’t scratch that easily”. “In the past a soft cloth was used to protect the frame from scratches and rub marks when chained up. This is a big bonus”. 

The owner loves our product and give it a Double thumbs up

Bicycle Anti-Chip 

Pics of the Cannondale over 2 years of service.

We have been testing our Bicycle Anti-Chip since mid 2014 in various parts of the world. All different terrains and all the bikes are of different ages which we felt would represent a good cross section of riders from semi-pro to weekend warrior. Our objective was to learn from what we heard from the types of bike owners we would commonly sell our products to. To date we are very happy with the results that we have received and as a result have concluded the individual owners testing phase and move into the corporate distributor comfort test phase where we will be covering in future blogs. Long term bike test Long term bike test Long term bike testing


Long term bike testing

Bike 2 a 2016 16″ Trek kids bike

This bike is treated harshly in every way possible.  Whether it is left out in the weather or being pushed down hills without a rider or simply not maintained this bike has done it all.

12 months into the test the components on the bike are not  doing well with being bent, and outer cable casings delaminating through cheap assembly techniques but, the frame was treated on the leading edges with EHXS which blended into the Matte finish to create a rock hard coating that was pretty much the only places on the bike that didn’t get harmed.

To date the bike continues into the post initial test phase to see what happens phase but the mission was completed over the first 12 months.

The 11 year old owner had forgotten that there was a coating on his bike but we hadn’t and we give the coating a Double thumbs up.

Long term bike testing, Bicycle Frame Anti-Chip Long term bike testing Long term bike testing

Dubai UAE

Long term bike testing

Scott Addict SL

Road racing in the UAE is a way of life. We had a time to get the owner to put anything onto his bike as it was new and he didn’t want to have anything go wrong.

We did get to put our coating onto his frame leading edges  and onto his gear changers and chain. The bike was ridden for 2 years each weekend in the local peloton where there is always sand being blown around.

The owner observed that over the 2years his bike looked like new where others who he rode with had significant sand blasting and dulling of the paintwork in the blasted areas of the bike.

The owner has since traded in and bought a new bike and it looking to buy the Bicycle Anti-Chip over the counter at his local bike shop.


The owner gives the product a Double thumbs up 

Bicycle Anti-Chip  

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