Hard working Polaris quad extreme makeover

It is hard to believe these pictures are of the same bike, but they are.  Our camera operator on the day was not the best camera operator but got enough to tell the story.

Our mission was the get this hard life beaten Polaris quad bike, which had been on the used market for some months, back to as close as showroom condition as possible.

We picked up the machine from the Dealer on a cold winters afternoon along with a brand new Polaris quad which we were to coat with NDG Hyperseal to see how the product holds up against the UV effects of the sun on plastic.

We took the units our workshop and got to work.

The Red unit was a high hour and hard life trade-in with reasonable fading on the red plastic and high fading and oxidation on the black plastic and crystallisation of the plastic on the from tool box.

The black painted sections were also faded to oxidation stages and the aluminium was dulled and badly mud stained.

The End results were beyond what we had expected. When we took the quad back to the dealer.

The following afternoon we went back to have a look at the treatment condition on the tool box plastic as it was highly absorbent and we wanted to see if the Hyperseal had soaked in and what effect that would have on the plastic, if at all, to find that the quad was sold and delivered the same day and we were told that the plastic looked new so no problems to report.

12 months later

We asked the dealer to follow-up on the quad with the owner who said that the bike looks just as it did when they bought it and that they were very happy with the way it looks.

What we did:

  1. We pressure cleaned the unit with NDG Bio Crystal Magic which did a great job of removing the mud stains on all the metals.
  2. We then applied Hyperseal to every part of the unit we could reach. In all we spent 2 hours getting the Unit back to an excellent condition.


Hard working Polaris quad extreme makeover

Toolbox was heavily crystallised, now looks new

Hard working Polaris quad extreme makeover


Hard working Polaris quad extreme makeover
Such a great result!

Copyright ©2016 Nano DG Singapore Pte. Ltd. All Rights Reserved

Livestock Drinking Trough Test Phase 1

Livestock Drinking Trough Test Phase 1

Typical Outback Australia farm shed

As part of our blogs we will be covering some of the industries where our products are being tested in the field and also in action with our clients.

For this blog we will cover an agricultural element test program with attempting to reduce the amount of algae build-up and to reduce the leakage through cracking that inevitability occurs on a Livestock drinking trough in outback Australia.

Our NDG 60,000km test Ford

For this we will be using one of our main industrial products FPU industrial along with an experimental Nanoscale PU coating.

In March 2017 we travelled from our Australian test facility into the interior of Australia to the edge of the wheat & sheep belt to marginal farming territories to carry out a test on a new large volume trough.  We took our long term test ford for a quick outback drive. See the blog about this car here.

One arriving we found that the trough was empty of water and had a very healthy build-up of algae on the sides and plenty of dust. We set to and cleaned the trough in preparation of the coatings.

Livestock Drinking Trough Test Phase 1
Pre-Cleaning trough
Livestock Drinking Trough Test Phase 1
Algae growth on walls of trough

Once thing we did see was that the concrete forming of the trough had a rough finish and very pitted with micro and macro holing so we were not confident that sealing without compromising the coatings would not occur.

We coated the trough 50% FPU Industrial and 50% experimental PU coating and applied it by painting on with a standard paintbrush. We noticed that there was bubbling through some of the pitting in the concrete which means we will need to include a concrete sealant into the best practises to eliminate the bubbling.

Livestock Drinking Trough Test Phase 1
Air bubbles forming in wet coating

On applying the coatings were touch dry in 10 minutes and imparting a very smooth surface which was the objective and the larger crack that had been leaking was sealed.  (the cracking is important to seal as the livestock will dig around the base of the trough to get to the water on the ground. This is especially the case when there is algae buildup in the trough as the livestock do not like the algae in the trough and prefer to dig into the ground which opens the cracking further in the trough)

Crack in concrete

We will leave this test to run for 12 months and we will revisit the trough in March 2018 to see the results and gain an understanding on what we can do to improve and refine the products for this  job.

Livestock Drinking Trough Test Phase 1
Trough in Spring with seasonal grass

Stay tuned for Phase 2 revisit to the test site @ 12 months.


Copyright ©2017 Nano DG Singapore Pte. Ltd. All Rights Reserved


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